Today is the 20th anniversary of fall of the Berlin Wall so it seemed fitting to post this performance of U2 from last weeks MTV European Video Awards. While the band played the suitably politically charged 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate they were joined by Jay-Z. Check it out above.

U2 are personally linked to the fall of the Wall. (Despite Bono's well known politicking they are just linked to it, not responsible for it.) The band was actually in Berlin, writing and recording Achtung Baby (hence it's partially German title) when the wall fell, back in 1989. When the wall came down, the band took the streets and partied into the wee hours of the night. Early the next morning, through the fuzz and fog of a hangover, Bono was wakened by voices in his rented home and crept downstairs naked to discover a family in his hallway. Amazingly, the family had returned to their home for the first time since the wall went up and the key still worked. They were their to reclaim what was theirs. Bono ultimately found other accommodations.
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